Most common examples of unethical behaviour at work listed by TUJobs

Most common examples of unethical behaviour at work listed by TUJobsThe most common examples of unethical behaviour at work have recently been listed by the employment website, TUJobs.

According to a survey conducted by ILM, more than 70 percent of managers asked think that the most common example of unethical behaviour is when employees lie to cover up a mistake they’ve done, or take shortcuts at work.

The survey uncovered more examples of unethical behaviour. Here’s the top ten list:

Number One:

Taking shortcuts / shoddy work: 72%

Number Two:

Lying to hide mistakes: 72%

Number Three:

Badmouthing colleagues: 68%

Number Four:

Passing the buck (when you don’t get your work done): 67%

Number Five:

Slacking off when no one is watching: 64%

Number Six:

Lying to hide your colleagues’ mistakes: 63%

Number Seven:

Taking credit for other colleagues’ work: 57%

Number Eight:

Pulling a sickie: 56%

Number Nine:

Lying about skills and experience: 54%

Number Ten:

Taking low value items: 52%

The survey concludes that the working environment affects employees’ behaviour. Therefore, it is important to look for the real reason for employees to behave unethically.

Coach Ann Elin Schüssel says that managers should put more effort in creating a good work environment. This would help to avoid people behaving unethically in their workplace.

“Research shows that people are clearly more productive when they’re happy. The online store Zappos is a good example. There are more applicants for jobs there than in Harvard because of the great work environment,” explains Schüssel.

Schüssel suggests three measures to become a better manager. These are ensuring meetings that celebrate small milestones; appreciating the efforts of the staff, not only results; giving people the opportunity of breaks between intense work tasks, and enjoy time together.

The latter she says is important because humour and a relaxed atmosphere help people lower their shoulders, handle differences better, be more daring, and more innovative.

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