Hyderabad City Police Launches ‘Delete’ Campaign To Fight Against Cyber Crime

DeleteHyderabad City Police launches ‘Delete’ campaign aiming to spread awareness to prevent cyber crimes.

Increasingly Internet users are being trapped by cyber criminals causing large financial losses, sometimes victims have been wiped of earnings they have accumulated in their lifetime. Along with the sharp increase in cyber crimes, multiple forms of cyber crimes are causing much heartburn and nuisance to thousands of people in the cyberspace.

As a preventive measure against cyber crime, Hyderabad City Police launched ‘Delete’ campaign for the first time in Andhra Pradesh, India. The focus of this educational campaign is to get citizens to be cyber smart. This campaign involves lectures, experience sharing in the form of presentations on safety on the Internet by the Cyber Cops and IT Core Teams of Hyderabad City.

‘Delete’ campaign encourages participation to share experiences and invites people to become ‘Cybervangelist’. Cybervangelists are the people who break the silence, share their experience with others, and bring any suspicious activities on the Internet to police notice. This way Cybervangelists facilitate to prevent cyber crime and help other people to make smart choices when they are online.

This campaign aims to teach individuals, and organizations not to be a ‘Cyberlamb’, which means someone who believes whatever they come across on the Internet. ‘Delete’ campaign also offers ‘Cyber Mantra’, which includes list of things to do when you are online. Cyber Mantra gives a list of ‘to do’ and ‘not to do’ for people to guard themselves online. Further, the Delete campaign also features ‘Cyber Gifts’. Those who participate in the campaign are provided gifts like baseball caps, ID card straps, t- shirts etc.

The ‘Delete’ campaign is aimed at helping citizens to realize the damage that could be caused by being ignorant of cyber crime. The campaign also has created a website at http://www.hyderabadpolice.gov.in/DeleteCamp/WhatIsDelete.htm that helps citizens to understand the preventive measures that can be taken to protect themselves. The website has some real life examples of people who have been victims of cyber crimes.

It is high time to realize the importance of taking preventive measures against cyber crime. Creating strong awareness among citizens is an essential part of the preventive measures. The ‘Delete’ Campaign’s primary purpose is to create this awareness.

For further details, please contact –

Dr. R. S. Praveen Kumar, IPS.
Deputy Commissioner of Police,
Detective Department,
Phone: 040-27852040
Email: delete@hyd.appolice.gov.in

About Us:
Cyber Crime Cell is a recent addition in the Detective Department of Hyderabad City Police. This is equipped with all the gadgets to collect the digital evidence from the crime scene, track all the offenders in the cyber space etc. ‘Delete’ campaign is an initiative launched by Hyderabad City Police for the first time in Andhra Pradesh to prevent cyber crime online.
