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Prices from £110 per disribution, one off fee – Contact us if you want to know what is included
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For more links and anchor tag activation pls. contact us using the email – Max three links allowed per release for one time fee of £49, you can use up to four words per link. This is a one time fee and the release is kept in for at least 12 months from the date of posting. You can also call our UK number +44 (0) 20 8816 7405 or Scandinavia number +354 540 9500.
Links will be installed as requested, then we will send you an email with a payment link to be processed by you using a credit card.
Among companies that have used our services are:
Fujitsu, Icelandair, Teknomek, Santanter, SecurStore, IceTrade, Actavis Pharaceuticals, SagaPro and Siemens.
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eNewsWire (Part of DIG)
39 Hatton Garden